Europe and Its Politicians
Europe's unemployment rate increased once more -- now at 12.2 percent. This is the highest level since data collection on European unemployment began in 1995. Expect new records ahead. Too bad if you are young and live in Europe. The unemployment rate is above 25 percent for those under age 25 almost everywhere in Europe and is well above 40 percent in places like Spain and Italy (lets not talk about Greece...their data, at this point, is probably suspect). Meanwhile, the IMF has noticed that taxpayer bailouts mainly enrich hedge funds. Why? Because after sovereign debt collapses in price, hedge funds come in and buy it for 20 cents on the dollar and then sit back to wait for the bailout. So, who wins. The average taxpayer simply transfers large amounts of private wealth into the coffers of rich hedge fund tycoons. Great policy! It is now dawning on the IMF that restructuring sovereign debt (meaning a controlled bankruptcy) is a far better...