This Is As Good As It Gets
The GDP announcement this morning for the first quarter of 2013 was 2.5 percent, well below the 3 plus estimates that economists were expecting. This will not be the first disappointment. Folks like Jim Cramer on CNBC can't understand why businessmen are reluctant to expand capital equipment and hire employees. That's because Cramer is a media celebrity not a businessman. If Cramer were even remotely aware of the actual business climate that ordinary folks have to contend with, he would know what the problem is -- over regulation, absurd tax levels, Obamacare, EPA regulations, Dodd-Frank. It is almost as if the Obama Administration has declared war on the US economy. Anything that smacks of business success is viewed suspiciously by the Administration (and by Jim Cramer, I might note). The talking heads can't figure it out, but the economics are simple. If hiring an employee at a $ 35,000 salary means it costs you $ 75,000 per year, you ar...